Tuesday, November 29

So Here's A Hypothetical Situation

Imagine that the office's token fit girl has been sitting next to you for the past few weeks after being given a change in role.

Now imagine that this doesn't usually matter to you since you're one of the few in the place that isn't actually that interested.

Now imagine that every now and then you need to let one rip, and don't have time to either direct it into your seat or take a walk around the office, and that today is such a day.

Now imagine that sometimes this flatulence is quite stinky.

Now imagine that there happens to be no one else around to blame.

Now imagine that said token fit girl pulls out her smell spray and gives it a few squirts around the area.

Now imagine that the Earth hasn't yet opened up and swallowed you whole.

What do you do?


  1. LOL

    fart face :)

  2. hahahahah "shame on yer batttyy" (actually that could be taken literally too) ;-) lol

  3. ROFLMAO!!!!


    how embarassin and disgusting. i feel sorry for ur colleague.

    when my ex MALE colleagues used to -- they were quick to open the window and we all left the room. (although i had to feign ignorance else i'd crack up gigglign.)

    (and btw why aint u interested in her? i mean..a colleague. is she not single* and muslim*?)

    * thats the criteria when i decide wther im interested or not..fairly simple :D

  4. im still laughing. roflmao!! oh man. this has to be the funniest blog youve written. ever,


    *wipes tears from eye*

  5. Oh no.. only u wud do somthing like that shak.. hypothetical my foot.. ngapls.. i told u to stop eating all that toot producing foods : Baked beans, prunes, fruit juices, cauliflower and raisins..

    tsk tsk.. bechara... I'm holding my breathe as im commenting, because i dont want to make a fool of myself laughing hysterically infront of my collegues..

    poor shaky.. maybe she wont be scarred for life after all.. if u jus do it again!.. u know that whole reverse the process effect.. :p lol lol lol !!!

    oh oh hey shak do u ever sneeze and toot at the same time!! ?? tht be some talented shiznit!..

  6. "Now imagine that this doesn't usually matter to you since you're one of the few in the place that isn't actually that interested"

    NGA PLS!!!!! you soooo would do her. She's fit, period, and i see you blushing whenever she talks to you

  7. I would forward her this damn blog :-D
