Monday, September 21

Film: (500) Days of Summer Click for more info

As the narrator says, this is no love story. 500 Days is film about the ups and downs that come with relationships and how in real life it isn't just like in the movies (although I'd argue that it certainly isn't like this either).

I came away with mixed feelings regarding this film. I think that I was expecting something a little more sweet, a quality sacrificed in the attempts by the film to be more real. On the other hand it did push all my cynical and bitter buttons; I really disliked Summer's character due to the way she was behaving but ironically this just meant I heavily identified with Tom. I guess the movie scores points on that level.

Feel good this is not, but enjoyable all the same I have to admit that 500 Days was a refreshing change from the usual young romance flicks we're used to getting. Recommended.


  1. I LOVED this film - I love the soundtrack even more!!!

  2. agreed, the soundtrack was was the art-sy feel of it. Its probably one of the best films i've seen in a while, probably because there wasnt the happy ending you would expect. Instead there was a promise of one...which is more then you could hope for in reality. Plus the game they played in the park was Laugh Out Loud! :D
