Wednesday, November 27

Film: Wicked: Part 1 Click for more info

Wicked was possibly the last show that I really really liked and so it was with some trepidation that I approached this movie - of course it would never be as good as the musical it was based on, so why even bother?

Well I'm very happy to admit that I was wrong. I wouldn't say it was better, but it most certainly did not mess it up. It was just as colourful, lush and joyous as the show, while adding just enough movie magic to make it its own thing.

And it wasn't just a cash in either, with both leads as well as the supplemental cast doing a great job - I have to especially note at how surprised I was at what Grande brought to the movie.

Some criticisms include the run time (2h 40m and this is only part one?) and some of the rearrangements of the music - although perhaps my memory was playing tricks on me?

Overall though Wicked was fabulous and definitely recommended.

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