Wednesday, February 12

Karachi 2025

By my most recent standards, this trip to Karachi has been a long time (okay, maybe a month or two) coming. Four weddings (as in four different couples) lining up across three weeks made it an easy date to fix, even though these three weeks would be more than the usual two we tend to come for.

Of course each wedding had at least three events, with some pushing it to four. It seems we now have Nikkah Parties separate from Rukhsatis, and I even attended a Qawwali Night (although admittedly that wasn't the first time for me). So opulence abound, but it was all good fun.

Well until the stomach bugs got me. I guess wedding food over here is like playing Russian Roulette, and I was bound to pay for attending twelve-plus events at some point. Thankfully (?) I was taken out earlier than later (yes, that's both ends), and I like to think I came out stronger for the remainder of my trip.

Speaking of food, it seems that Karachi just keeps getting better and better when it comes to the social food scene. I have mixed opinions about this, given it both relies upon and is an indication of the widening inequality... but it's still kind of impressive to see I suppose. What's also great is how well local brands and businesses seem to be doing - no one goes to KFC anymore, choosing to spend Rupees at Kababjees Fried Chicken instead.

So another good trip, if a bit too long and busy. Oh and yes, sadly there was also a funeral... in case you were wondering.

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